Parking Policy and Information
All full and part-time faculty, staff and students are required to have the proper Nebraska Wesleyan University parking hang tag in their vehicle when using a Nebraska Wesleyan University parking lot.
Parking hang tags are free with the exception of the two 24/7 paid lots. One is located south of the Townhouse Village (lot 7) for students living on campus. The other is located north of Lucas Hall (lot 12) for commuter students.
To receive a Nebraska Wesleyan University parking hang tag, all faculty, staff and students must fill out the parking hang tag request form. You will be instructed where and when to pick-up your hang tag.
Faculty and staff will need to update their form each time they get new plates or a new vehicle.
Students will need to update their form every fall to receive a new hang tag for the current year.
Students living on campus who want to purchase a paid space in lot 7 should email Lisa at lkaiser [at] (lkaiser[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) Commuter students who want to purchase a paid space in lot 12 should also email Lisa at lkaiser [at] (lkaiser[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu).
Nebraska Wesleyan University encourages the use of alternative transportation such as carpooling, city bus service and/or bicycling.
Nebraska Wesleyan University parking lots are designated by a sign near the lot entrance or individual stall signs that have a colored stripe and/or stripes that match appropriate hang tag. Vehicles without the appropriate hang tag as specified on the signs are subject to violation tickets, and/or towing. Green stripe is for students, gold stripe is for faculty and/or staff, blue stripe is for VIP and burgundy stripe is for paid parking.
Student parking only lots require a green or ½ burgundy and ½ green hang tag. These are:
- lot 3 (south side of Huntington Avenue between 52nd and 53rd)
- lot 9 (east of Centennial, west of the Suites and east of Pioneer)
Faculty/staff parking only lots require a gold hang tag. These are:
- lot 10 (south and east of the Student Center)
- lot 17 (north side of Madison Avenue, west corner of 51st)
- lot 13 (east side of 50th between St. Paul Avenue and Madison Avenue)
- lot 14 (east side of 50th between Baldwin Avenue and Huntington Avenue)
Student/faculty/staff parking lots require a green, gold, blue or ½ burgundy and ½ green hang tag. These are:
- lot 1 (south side of Huntington Avenue on the east corner of 50th)
- lot 2 (south side of Huntington Avenue on the corner of 51st)
- lot 4 (south side of Huntington Avenue on the west corner of 54th)
- lot 5 (south side of Huntington Avenue on the east corner of 54th)
- lot 6 (north side of Huntington Avenue on the west corner of 56th)
- lot 8 (north side of Madison Avenue between 54th and 56th)
- lot 11 (north side of Madison Avenue between 52nd and 53rd)
- lot 15 (north side of Huntington Avenue on the west corner of 50th)
- lot 16 (east of 49th between Baldwin Avenue and St. Paul Avenue)
Paid parking lots require a ½ burgundy and ½ green hang tag. These are:
- lot 7 (west side of 56th between Madison Avenue and St. Paul Avenue)
- lot 12 (south side of Madison Avenue between 51st and 52nd)
Parking is prohibited in entrance driveways, parking lot drive through lanes, fire lanes, near fire hydrants, delivery drives, blocking street crossing cut outs, blocking other vehicles, on sidewalks and on grass. These areas may or may not be designated by signs, red curbs and/or hash lines. Be aware of where you are parking.
This policy is enforced by Security and/or Physical Plant staff authorized to enforce compliance of the parking policy.
Parking violation tickets
Parking lots are checked periodically 24/7.
Vehicles can receive a violation ticket every 24 hours until the violation is corrected.
Tickets will be issued to improperly parked vehicles. Violations include no NWU hang tag, expired hang tag, not a parking space, fire lane, handicap parking only, hang tag color doesn’t match lot and/or sign color, hang tag not visible or unable to read and parking over the line.
All violations carry a $25 fine except Handicap violations, which carry a $100 fine. Any parking violation can result in an immediate tow. The fine amount will be added to NWU student/employee account as applicable. Payment can be made at the Business Office window.
Towing policy
A vehicle can be towed for parking in a fire lane, handicap space, blocking another vehicle, not parked in a space or having three (3) unpaid tickets. An attempt to contact the violator may or may not happen before the tow.
Note: Once a vehicle is hooked to the tow truck it will be taken. If the owner is there before the tow truck leaves they may be able to pay the tow bill and the driver will leave it.
Our 24-hour towing company is Capital Towing, 101 Charleston, (402) 477-7676. Capital Towing will accept cash or bank card only. NWU is not involved in the towing, storing, or release of vehicles, and assumes no liability for vehicles.